⫘⫘ ABOUT ⫘⫘

This small corner serves as a some kind of a master post for all information regarding myself, my art & art-related matters, so all my links & extra stuff can be found here, organized.
Consider this sort of a full "About Me" guide.

Greetings, I'm Iryk (you can call me Demian as well); the keeper of my own demons, a collector of oddities, a creator of multiple paracosms, a self-taught of many things (curious by nature & always with a strong drive to learn) &... Secretly a vampire. I'm passionate about many things such as psychology, astrophysics, astronomy, paleontology, demonology, etc, & Gothic & Steampunk aesthetics are two of my very favorite ones.I'm a Digital Artist, a writer, amongst other things. I have an interesting eye for aesthetic beauty in the grotesque; my focus is everything with dark atmosphere content, devilish, disturbing, decayed, corrupted, etc, & I like to explore sensitive themes as well. My interests are vast, though, but in any case, I just draw whatever I feel like drawing at the end of the day.I'm reserved, a private person by nature, contemplative & quiet who observes a lot & enjoys time alone. I'm a workaholic person, this case with a never-ending motivation to create; An entity that attempts to its fullest to create worlds & universes, conceptualize my words & bring forth visual interpretation from the imagination. I especially enjoy the creation & development of my very beloved characters, their stories & worlds, exploring the limits of their personality traits, etc, & this way, bringing them to life. I do art as a hobby, but I also professionally as my job playing with other themes for practice. This is my life/focus, one of the main. If I'm not doing art, it's very probably I'm taking some time to write, read or play video games.Even though, there's never enough; I'm still in search of a properly working process & I tend to experiment with my art & characters from time to time, constantly doing my best to further the quality of my work & the improvement of everything that surrounds it. Currently, I'm trying to grow with different possibilities of compositions from what I used to do, trying to become better at creating atmospheric art, & get closer to what I wish to illustrate & capture from my mind, exploring it, always related especially to my obscure preferences.

⫘⫘ FAQ ⫘⫘

This FAQ was created around 2014, copy-pasted from my stash file on DA & it has been updated with time; I always figured making something like this would help clear some things up, as well as give you a chance to get to know me better since I know I'm not much of a talker! This FAQ includes Questions & Answers regarding myself, my characters, art-related matters & how to interact with me.


── Q: How can I call you?
A: Call me Iryk (it's my "universal name", so to speak) but feel free to call me Demian as well.
── Q: What language do you speak?
A: My first language is Catalan. & also know Spanish & English, so you can speak to me in any of these languages. English is not my first language tho, so please be patient if I sound rude or repetitive.
Apart from these three, I like to dedicate a little of my free time to studying other languages.── Q: Are you Self-Taught?
A: Yes.
── Q: What do I refer to you as?
A: He/She/They/It, call me whatever you see fit. Not for something personal actually, I think it doesn't matter what I have in my pants, honestly. My gender is not that important. I'm just me, & how people receive me through a screen is up to them.


── Q: How did you get into Art? How long have you been drawing?
A: I have been always interested in art & in creating my own stuff. Since I was a child I spent hours & hours drawing & creating. I started to take drawing seriously in 2008 more or less when I also started with Digital Art & then, started to create my very first characters, worlds & universes. I started working in art professionally in 2013 until now, becoming art my full-time job.
── Q: What's the content of your drawings?
A: Most of my personal works I'm focused on are combined with my own dark touches, thoughts or desires, a nightmarish reflection of myself & personal interests, my unconsciousness & direct freedoms transformed into demonic creatures. I generally play with some kind of sensitive themes with my characters or random themes. My characters frequently partake in extreme actions. A huge number of my characters are not good people, but raw reflections of flawed personalities, actions, mentalities, illnesses, content with morally reprehensible characters, etc. I do like to explore & study the mind.
Of course, I also draw a lot of different content as well; depending on the Character & their story, but those are my preferred ones over the rest.── Q: Where do you get your ideas/creativity from? Where do you get your inspiration?
A: They arise in my head on their own, but also may be influenced by personal things or things I like, like demonology, nature, industrial decay, pathology, psychology or psychiatry, etc... Or from my mood, my thoughts, my dreams... Also (& in special) from the several RPs I write.
── Q: Why don't you draw FanArt?
A: Short question, I'm not a FanArt Artist. However, there could be exceptions, of course, but it would be weird if I draw FanArt; It could happen... Only if I'm in the mood, I guess, or if I really, REALLY like something in particular.
── Q: Can you make a Tutorial or teach me how to draw?
A: I can give a few tips the best I can, but full teaching I'm afraid it will not possible, sorry. To be honest, I'm not very good at teaching others. I most likely don't have time, either patience. All I know is because I've learned on my own, & of course, I'm still learning, too. Learning art is complex & a never-ending process. You have to put in the work yourself. It's a skill trained like any other. The more focused & aware hours you punto into practice, the better you'll get. Failure is, also, part of the process.
── Q: I don't like your art or the themes you use.
A: I respect your opinion. Each person has their own interests & it's totally okay. In this case, you should kindly perhaps look elsewhere because, honestly, I couldn't care less & I will not change my art to please others/masses. Mainly, I draw to please myself since it's something that makes me happy.
── Q: Related to your Anthropomorgic Characters or your general Anthropomorphic content; Are you a Furry?
A: No, I'm not a Furry. I just enjoy drawing these kinds of creatures & the variety of them. They give you more flexibility & freedom with different bodies, shapes, etc. Animals & creatures, in general, have been always one of the things easier for me to draw & my favorites. As a curious fact: most of my anthropomorphic characters have their humanoid version form which I use for personal RP stories. It's quite fun giving them different versions.
"Walking into a fandom" sometimes is a choice, not just a random badge others decide for you based on what you draw or whatever.── Q: Are you a porn Artist?
A: Many related me to be one, especially for my commissioned work but, I do not consider myself a porn artist, &, honestly, I don't want to be known for that. I want to be known for the way I work, my style, my characters, etc. I just experiment, try & practice with that content, & helps me with practicing anatomy, body language, & expressiveness of characters.
I do enjoy working especially on Tasteful Nudity & PinUp work.


── Q: How many OC's do you have?
A: I have more than 100, however, the great number of them aren't posted publicly; they're from huge stories I created years ago with my partner (& still growing).
── Q: Do you RP?
A: Yes, I do. For more information about it, check: https://inneditsinrp.carrd.co/
── Q: Can I RolePlay as your Character? Can I use your Artwork/Character for RP for my stories? or to post them on Forums/Blog/Websites/etc, or use them as Avatars/Icons/etc??
A: No. None of my Characters is available for public purposes, to be used in Roleplays & I will NEVER give that permission to anybody.
Like every other artist, I work very hard on my artwork & my Characters. I put a lot of thought & effort into each piece. To have someone come along & just pluck those images up & use them or deface them for their personal use regardless of these facts & regardless of how innocent their intentions may be is just very hard to think about. I appreciate you liking & enjoy my work. But that's all.I post my work & I show my Characters because I just want to show what I do, what makes me happy & proud, NOT to use it freely. I will be infinitely grateful if you respect this.About my other Artworks non-related to my Characters, ask me first. Credit must be given, always.── Q: Can I write about your Characters?
A: I prefer to keep this to closer friends. And, even so, I'll be very picky. Please, ask me first.
── Q: What about making a couple with one of your Characters and mine? What about NSFW Art (sexual) with your Characters?
A: -
── Q: Do you accept Gifts? Can I draw your Character(s)?
A: Sure thing, I love gift art, but if you're thinking of drawing any of my Characters please read carefully:
✦ Preferably contact me first! Tell me which Character you would like to gift art of. - unless you really want to surprise me which would be nice! But please, continue reading:
✦ Please, portray my Characters in/their respective personality, demeanor, design, etc, unless discussed beforehand! I would appreciate you to read their descriptions to know more about them. Do not secretly make out-of-character content of my Characters.
✦ DO NOT draw any of my Characters in sexual situations nor involve my Characters in any kind of fetish/romantic/suggestive & related themes. Do not ship your Characters with any of mine. Dark, gore, macabre themes & related are totally fine.
✦ As a very personal petition (especially in the case you know them), do not surprise me with gift art of my sonas for any reason unless I've commissioned/requested you to do so. I'm extremely picky about how they're portrayed because they embody me.
Needless to say, PLEASE, show me it!
& send me the finished picture to my personal email [email protected] 🖤
Please, do not forget they're still my Characters so making or commissioning artwork using their likeness doesn't give you any rights to my Characters whatsoever. Unless you are the artist of said gift art yourself or your Character is in said piece as well as mine, do not repost said images.
Last but not less important here, please, do not forget to credit me as the owner of the Character/s & do not claim them as your own. Do not sell your FanArt of my Characters featured there; I'm not giving any rights to use them for your profit or for RP as explained above, & please do not write lore. Important that you do not forget to watermark the drawing!
── Q: Do you do Commissions where your Characters are involved?
A: Short answer: Yeah, ask me first. Long answer: I'm very, very picky about it, to be honest, & it'll depend on the Character of mine you're asking to be interacting with your Character. Also, do not forget to READ the rules & their respective info to know more about them before proceeding. I need you to agree & respect them.
If I did the Commission drawing & you're going to upload the drawing somewhere, PLEASE, DO NOT forget to give me credit for the Artwork & for my Character putting my personal username (@InneditSin) or a direct link to my handles. If the Characters are my twin OC mascots (Silent & Sinnent), you can use my username @NemesisIlit to give credit.── Q: "This Character reminds me of a Character from..."
A: I would appreciate you don't do that. If the character compared is mine, depending on which you are referring you may be even indirectly saying that I copied it from the character you are comparing it to. Something I really don't like. "This reminds me of..." is not a compliment, it's not a comment, it's not engaging, but sometimes an insult to someone's imagination. If at any time I specifically reference or take inspiration from something that already exists, I will mention it in the description of the same artwork. If I haven't done any of that, then it means that any similarities are totally unintentional.
── Q: "Most of your art is dark, and looks like you love working with that kind of theme. You must be depressed or something."
A: No, I am not. I honestly don't like when people relate "Dark" things/themes with depression, suicide, etc, kind of negative feelings. I understand each people see things from their point of view but the problem is when generalizing & is a total mistake. Yes, I enjoy a lot drawing dark themes & that has been my preferred thing to draw but this doesn't mean I am depressed or something. Everything can be relative to each person.
── Q: "You draw dark Characters & other dark themes. That's so cliché! Maybe you're doing this to draw attention with these badass, edgy Characters."
A: No. I've never tried to pretend to do that or draw attention that way. I don't like that kind of plan & I don't like clichés. It's not in my interest, & it wouldn't be me. It's just my art style & the way I love to see my Characters & to make my art. I've always drawn my Characters this way, & it's something that will not change.
Related precisely to my personal art, I don't draw for the masses or for drawing attention to people, that way or another, just for myself or for my partner mainly, & then I post them on my sites for those who like the stuff I do.


── Q: Where I can find you?
A: In a personal manner you will always find me under my personal username /InneditSin. However, I am not interested in expanding my personal work to other sites out there at this moment.
On the other hand, in a business manner, you will always find me under my business username /NemesisIlit.If you see my Art, my Character(s) or any of my works with any of these usernames used in other platforms or websites/places or for RP purposes where I'm not registered or anyone claiming to be me and using my Artwork or my Characters in other platforms it means that person is NOT me, it's just fake & must be reported. I don't possess any RP sites or similar & I do NOT allow anybody to use my Personal Characters or my Artwork.── Q: Do you have Telegram or Discord?
A: Yes, I have both. However, I prefer Discord over Telegram.
── Q: Can I talk to you? // Can we chat a little? // I sent you a direct message, why didn't you respond??
A: Don't be afraid to talk to me. You're welcome to interact with me in public-facing areas. However:
✦ Please, do not use my DMs/instant messengers for small chat. I don't like them & I don't have time for them. My DMs are open in case you need to tell me something or more private conversation, for any question you may have or for business, then I will get back to you as soon as I can, but I warn you I can take my time to respond!✦ Please, try to avoid conversations that contain harassment, stalking/hounding, continuous advertising, or trouble/drama-making. I'm not interested in drama or getting mixed into things I have no part in. I respect all views & opinions (of course some at some point) as long as no one tries to force me to change my mind. I don't care if your views differ from my own, just whether we can both respect each other. I have 0 tolerance for manipulative or guilt-tripping behavior, & I may immediately lose interest if you show these traits. If you have a problem with me that you feel should be addressed in a civil manner, just hit me up otherwise get over it. Please, refrain from trauma-dumping/venting out of nowhere.I mostly live by the saying "treat others how you want to be treated". I'll be nice to you as long as you're nice to me, simple as that.── Q: Can we be friends?
A: I'm interested in getting to know people & make friends with time. However, friendships are formed naturally, rather than just by asking. It's not a planned thing. This means I can't consider you a friend because we talked two times. If there is a friendship to be made, it will develop naturally with time & patience. Do not make attempts to garner forced friendship! This doesn't work for me.
By the way, if you're like one of those "I want to be your friend so I can have free art" people, let me tell you that you will win nothing going that way.── Q: Why aren't we talking anymore?
A: The fact that this is a question should be a big point as to the fact that I'm a reclusive person by nature. I can spend lots of time without talking & that doesn't mean that something has changed for me. I focus a lot on my work & studying & my own flow of things so it leaves me a rather busy person as is besides the fact that I just generally don't like talking a lot. I'm sorry! People close to me actually know this. So, yeah, I'm not the type that needs reassurance from my acquaintances, & when we talk again it's like we never skipped a beat. Both parties have lives & things to deal with.
── Q: Why didn't you respond to my Comment or Note?
A: I read all comments, even if I do not reply. I must have missed it, sorry. I'm a very busy person & these things happen, don't take it personally. In this case, resend me what you told me. Another possible reason is I don't know how to respond because I don't know how to follow you or because I don't consider the comment/note necessary to respond or, maybe your comment was inappropriate & disrespectful.


── Q: Do you take Commissions?
A: Yes, I do. Please, check "Commissions" button on HOME for more information regarding Commissions.
── Q: Do you do Art Trades, Collaborations, Requests...?
A: Please, read carefully:
I don't do Trades often. They're generally closed since I hardly have time to work on them, but you can ask if interested (& for availability). If so, keep in mind the following points, please:
-Art Trades are for fun & enjoyment, but they shouldn't be taken lightly. This means I expect you to hold to your side of our trade, just as one would expect payment on a piece of work. Take it with responsibility, please. Art is our payment to each other!-I need you to be sure that you're an active Artist & that you're sure to do your part. Because of the bad experiences I had, I will not start my part if I don't see any WIP or Sketch, etc, from yours first, & I will not submit my end until you have confirmed finishing your side. Do not trade with me if you are busy with real life complications, you have a full work load or pending commissions that have been paid for & required your attention, or if you do not believe you will be able to complete yours.-Your art skill must be on the same level as mine or similar. I always put considerable effort into the things I do, so I ask the same trait to put an effort equal to my effort. I like to have a balance.-It's important to mention that, please, keep in mind that an Art Trade is not a replacement for a paid Commission. Please, don't send me an endless list of ideas, descriptions, details, etc expecting me to design what you want. If you want that, I advise you to Commission me instead. For Art Trades I take total Artistic Freedom.-Please, do not rush me. I have my own works to do at the same time, but no worries; I always finish an Art Trade I've accepted.If for any reason I don't take your Trade, don't take it personally, please. Also, keep in mind that if I have accepted a single Art Trade for someone (if there's an exception if I happen to have some time), doesn't mean I'm open to all Trades.COLLABORATIONS:
Feel free to ask about Collaboration pieces, however, I rarely take them. Try luck, anyways! Currently, I'm only doing collaborations with my partner.
Again, I will judge the quality of work & the skill level. As with Art Trades, I expect the same amount of effort to be put in, that I put in. If you are unsure as to whether a Collaboration between us is doable, just ask me in private.
Most importantly, & something I would like to point out, is that popularity does not equal talent. I honestly do not care how many favorites, followers or views you have.REQUESTS:
No, I do not take requests. Though I wish I had the time & resources to draw requests from time to time, I, unfortunately, cannot do this. Art, apart from being my hobby, is my job & my main source of income, so, please, do not ask me to work for no pay.
In the extraordinary case I accept to take a request, it's important to keep in mind that if I'm doing something free for you, do not rush me or pressure me. Free Art is NOT Commission Art so I will take my time to work with the picture. Paid works will always have more priority over these.


── Q: Why are you following this terrible person?! You're awful for following!
A: First of all, stop. I probably don't know at all what are you talking about. I'm not the kind of person that loves to stalk the ones who are following like a fanatic, scrounging around about their life & such, because I basically don't care. I probably started to follow that person because I liked something I saw, simply as that. In case this person is "problematic", first do not freak out on me. Just tell me calmly & nicely what's happening with this person, provide proofs of the bad, & then I'll form my own opinion & actions.
── Q: What if I have another question?
A: Feel free to drop me an anonymous ask on Retrospring!



*You can also find me on DeviantArt & FurAffinity with the same username, but I'm not active there.


Please, be aware I generally treat my Commission Artist tag [NemesisIlit] & Personal Artist tag [InneditSin] as two completely separate veins of my work. I have the habit to separate my Personal stuff from Business work, making me possible to have all my stuff organized in their respective places.


✦ TELEGRAM: @InneditSin
✦ DISCORD: InneditSin


✦ TELEGRAM: @InneditSin*
✦ DISCORD: NemesisIlit
*(I can't have a business Telegram for @/NemesisIlit
now so I'll be using my personal one until further notice.)


Be sure to check my FAQ, "COMMUNICATION" section to know my boundaries at the time of contacting me, especially through instant messengers like my Telegram or Discord. Briefly:✦ Please, avoid Small Chat. I do not enjoy it. Do not use any of my contact methods for that. Use them if you need to contact me for business, if you need to ask me something or to tell me something absolutely necessary or relevant. I'm a very busy person with both business & personal stuff.✦ Please, say more than "hi", "hello", "can I ask you something?". Just write all you want to say. This will save up both time for you & for me.✦ Do NOT come into my DMs to flirt with me. No, I'm not interested. No, I'm not interested in s*xual stuff. I'm not interested either in your fetishes. Don't waste your time.